
Is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Swedish Vs American


Nearly a year agone I read the international bestseller "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and claimed it every bit one of the all-time books I've read in awhile. I had ample amounts of anticipation for the American remake of "The Daughter with the Dragon Tattoo" especially since David Fincher was selected as director. Now seeing the Swedish made version and the American one back-to-back, I can't decide which one I liked best but wanted to clarify the noticeable differences between each movie and how true they stayed to the book. Although I haven't read the book in quite some time, I hope that my retention even so serves me well. I besides am simply basing it solely on the swedish version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" not the unabridged trilogy. The list is not meant to show which one is better than the other but the noticeable differences I plant between the two and which version I idea handled it better. The selection of which version is better is solely upwards to you.


Release date: 2011
Director: David Fincher
Length: 158 min.
Starring: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer
Rated: R
Box Role Gross: $89.2M (As of January 15th)


Release Date: 2009 (2010 in U.South.)
Managing director: Niels Arden Opiev
Length: 152 min.
Starring: Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Sven-Bertil Taube
Rated: R
Box Office Gross:  $10m – U.S. $104M – Worldwide



The Catastrophe:

I wouldn't necessarily call either a happy ending simply the Swedish one is definitely more upbeat than American. In the volume version, after Lisbeth cleans out Wennerstrom's accounts, and Mikael writes a book taking down the corporation after help from Lisbeth'southward hacking, Lisbeth returns finally ready to accept a friend into her life. She buys Mikael a Christmas souvenir, until she sees him walk abroad kissing Erica, she then throws away the souvenir and drives away. In the Swedish version, she goes to the Caymen Islands to clean out the accounts and disappears into a new life, while Mikeal watches in awe of her. A expert catastrophe, but didn't feel complete for those characters. In the American version, Lisbeth returns and sees Mikael and is ready to accept relationships until she sees him with Erica, throws his gift away and drives off in retreat. Much closer to the volume and much more plumbing fixtures with the arc of the characters.


Revelation of Martin Vanger:

In the Swedish version, Mikael and Lisbeth both simultaneously have a revelation about who killed the girls connected to the bible verses. While Mikael investigates Henrik's brother, he is greeted by Martin who drugs him and chains him in the cellar. A shocking moment, and 1 that catches the audience by surprise whereas in the American version, Lisbeth and Mikeal come to conclusions that would trace to Martin and Mikael goes to his business firm to investigate and plays a long chess match with Martin in outwitting each other through conversation and eventually Martin's realization that a kitchen pocketknife is missing. While Craig and Skarsgard are great facing off, it lessens the dramatic affect of the revelation that Martin helped his father kill multiple women and is now going to capture Mikael.


Lisbeth Salander:

Lisbeth is an iconic character and brought to life greatly by Noomi Rapace and Rooney Mara. She is a dark, tortured graphic symbol that doesn't accept shit from anyone and knows how to handle herself. She especially has a vehement streak and doesn't particularly care for men who mistreat women. She is very distant and cold emotionally merely is willing to open herself for the few that care for her as a homo and non similar a mentally disturbed child. Noomi Rapace had the look, the intensity, the emotional distance, and the tortured soul. She was repose, only a bit too overly smart, just completely engaging and sometimes frightening. While Mara, has the look, the intensity, the childish episodes, and the cold heartedness. She wasn't about equally frightening as Rapace, however she was more than sympathetic of a graphic symbol only a scrap likewise over confident in her abilities.


Lisbeth and Her Guardian:

Fifty-fifty though Lisbeth is in her twenty's, she is technically a ward of the land. She has a longtime guardian that cares about her, until he has a stroke and is unable to be her state appointed guardian. Enter Bjurman, a slimy, masochist, power hungry human being who exchanges funds for Lisbeth for sexual favors including a accident job in his part, and so rape at his own home. A subplot in the story that is cringe-worthy and as creepy. Both versions brand them as viciously uncomfortable as possible, each with equally satisfying revenge past Lisbeth. In the Swedish version, the character of Bjurman is smart and manipulative. He knows he holds all the cards for Lisbeth and forces himself on Lisbeth because he likes the power of existence in command of a defenseless girl. He is remorseless and a great villain. In the American version, he is more of a grotesque pig. A key departure is that in the American version, his character looks positively shaken later on the rape and eventually apologetic the second fourth dimension effectually seeing Lisbeth. The swedish works meliorate because the character is someone who looks similar he has and will continue abusing Lisbeth and girls like her, making her revenge all the more than satisfying. Although the american version includes a squeamish petty bonus scene where Lisbeth confronts him in the elevator and leaves him similar a terrified puppy domestic dog.


Mikael and Erika:

Erika Berger is Mikael'due south partner at millennium magazine and his editor-in-chief, they also take a sexual relationship even though she is however married. In The American version, Robin Wright plays Erika exactly how I pictured her. She is much more predominant and upset at Mikael for taking leave while the visitor goes under and is eventually bought into by Vanger's corporation. Erika is a neat character and much more than level-headed and moral than Mikael and is barely in the Swedish version. Sorry, because Erika and Mikael's relationship (sexual and professional) is 1 of the most intriguing parts of the story and Mikael'due south character.

WINNER: U.South.

Mikael and his girl:

Forth with Erika, the swedish version doesn't make a lot of mention of Mikael's teenage daughter. She'south on good terms with him, merely their relationship is still estranged, and in the book she visits him while working for Henrik and she's on the fashion to go back to bible school. In the book and the American version, it is her who discovers Harriet's code is related to bible verses, while in the Swedish one it is Lisbeth who looks at the code for a few minutes and cracks information technology. Mikael'southward daughter doesn't bring much to the overall plot, but having her adds more layers to Mikael's character and makes more sense that she would make the religious connection.


Lisbeth's Talents:

Along with being an expert hacker, Lisbeth also has a photographic memory which helps her exist such an amazing researcher. In the volume and swedish version, Mikael spends fourth dimension working with her and discovers her secrets on his ain and makes Lisbeth intrigued and uncomfortable. In the book information technology came equally a shock to me when we discover Lisbeth's photographic retention, which she feels ashamed of. In the American version, it is never brought up and when bits of data are given to her she overconfidently says that she already knows it, similar she already accepts her special talent. In the swedish version, many of the clues and things that help Mikael solve the case are given to him through an email from Lisbeth where she seems to figure things out in her spare fourth dimension and tries to one-up the journalist. While information technology's nice to show how brilliant Lisbeth actually is, the fashion of her randomly hacking and figuring out clues felt more similar a cop-out, and a deus ex machina crutch than her and Mikael's teamwork.


Henrik and Mikael:

In the Swedish version, Mikael keeps Henrik a lot more in the loop to his detective work and their human relationship becomes more than of a friendship than the professional relationship Mikael and Henrik have in the U.South. version. Henrik also seems a lot more than invested in the Mikael's work whereas in the American version, more subplots arise and Martin becomes more of the vox of the corporation then Henrik does.


Anita Vanger/Revelation of Harriet:

In the volume, Mikael traps Anita into revealing that Harriet is in Commonwealth of australia, and brings her back to Henrik. In the Swedish version, Super-Lisbeth finds records of Harriet living under Anita's identity in Australia, who also died in this version. In the American version, they set up a sting operation like the volume only cop-out when it is revealed that Mikael visited Anita in London earlier in the movie and information technology was actually Harriet the whole time. Her reunion with Henrik also doesn't experience as natural as the Swedish version.


Mikael goes to prison:

In the volume and Swedish version, Mikael's false accusation lands him a hefty fine, a bad reputation, and a couple months in prison. In the book, Mikael took a intermission from researching Harriet'due south disappearance to spend time in jail. In the Swedish version, Mikael serves his time for his accusations and uses it to write his comeback book to take down Wennerstrom once and for all. In the American version, it costs Blomkvist his life savings merely he never has to serve whatsoever major jail time, and besides being broke faces no other consequences.


Lisbeth and her Guardian/Mother:

In the Swedish version, Lisbeth gets a phone call saying she has a new guardian and lands right in Bjurman's part. In the American version, she is the i who finds her guardian having a stroke and eventually talks to him near the end well-nigh accepting Blomkvist into her life. In the book, Lisbeth visits her female parent and near the cease of the book has to attend her funeral. In the swedish version, she has to visit her mother instead of her guardian at the cease and has a great emotional moment with her mom nigh falling in love. While the swedish moving picture has a fantastic dramatic moment for Noomi Rapace, I idea it meant more sense for Lisbeth to have a relationship with her former guardian equally one of the only men she trusts.


Mikael'due south author'south block:

After his defeat on trial, Mikael besides takes on the chore of Henrik to aid cure his author's block, and is interest in solving the Harriet Vanger case, and getting the info on Wennerstrom from Lisbeth finally helps cure his writer'south block to make his comeback and taking down the Wennerstrom empire. It is a great grapheme moment which is sadly never brought upwardly in the American version.


Lisbeth's Assualt:

Lisbeth is a force to exist reckoned with when provoked, in the Swedish version a gang of drunken boys confront her at the train station and starting time to push her around, Lisbeth kicks, scratches, and fights back, breaking her laptop but sending the grouping of boys on the run. Information technology is an empowering moment, whereas in the U.Southward. version, a mugger snatches her bag at the train station and has Lisbeth hunt him, confront him, and steal the bag dorsum before escaping in a weird parkour moment down the escalator. A cool piddling scene, but much more powerful and realistic in the Swedish version.


Mikael's Cat:

In the volume and American version, Mikael is kept company by a stray cat in his cabin that becomes his pet and sort of companion until he is shockingly brutally killed and left on Mikael's doorstep. A visually upsetting and shocking moment that ups the ante of Mikael and Lisbeth's paranoia of 1 of the Vanger family unit members keeping an centre on them which is lacking in the Swedish version.


Mikael's introduction to Lisbeth:

I of my favorite moments of the volume is when Mikael discovers Lisbeth did enquiry on him prior to beingness hired by Vanger and and so discovering that she is a reckoner hacker. Lisbeth, a graphic symbol who is used to being in charge and 1 step ahead of most people is completely caught off baby-sit when Mikael barges into her door with breakfast and a job offer to assist research Harriet's disappearance. It is a bang-up scene where Mikael gets the upper hand on Lisbeth and she is simultaneously intrigued and pissed. In the Swedish version, Lisbeth seems to ever be twenty steps ahead of Mikael just he simply gets in Lisbeth'south door past threatening her with going to the police force for hacking his estimator, in the American version he busts through the door. Seems like an insignificant alter but one of my favorite moments showing Lisbeth's allure to Mikael's straightforwardness with her.


Wennerstrom and Vanger:

One of the key elements that Henrik Vanger used to persuade Mikael to work for him and look into Harriet's disappearance is that he has incriminating information on Wennerstrom from when he worked for the Vanger corporation. It turns out to be unusable evidence but was an incentive that made sense for Blomkvist to take on this yr long endeavor, whereas the information is never presented to Mikael in the Swedish version.


Henrik's memoirs:

Mikael has access to the entire Vanger family unit history to research Harriet's disappearance. In the volume and American version his cover is he is spending his downtime to research and write Henrik Vanger's memoirs. In the Swedish version, he is never given comprehend just is there for very obvious reasons to the family.


Mikael and Lisbeth's relationship:

Lisbeth has a hard time connecting to anyone emotionally and is also a known bisexual, so information technology is a shocking plough to run into her throw herself onto Mikael during ane night of researching. It is an awkward moment that turns surprisingly erotic and justified. In the Swedish version Lisbeth throws herself at a confused Mikael until to retreat right afterward they are finished. In the American version they are shown to start being intimate earlier the camera cuts and then they are seen in bed together again. In the swedish version it fabricated sense for Lisbeth's elusive personality while information technology makes sense in the American version to encounter Lisbeth get her heart broken at the end. I'm not sure which one is better for the story but both are good in their own way.


Title Sequence:

The Swedish version had a very basic, abstract title sequence that was moody and ominous and fits the tone of the story, while the American David Fincher version features an in-your-face, visceral opening that features people in liquid metallic and liquid metal draining down computer keyboards. Odd and Over-the-summit? Definitely. An extremely memorable introduction for sure though. Bonus points for the kickass "Immigrant Song" embrace.

WINNER: U.Due south.

Flashbacks to Harriet:

Harriet Vanger is mentioned a lot. In the Swedish version her picture is flashed on the screen about a thousand times. Brief flashbacks are shown, mainly through home videos, pictures, and other media. In the american version, The 1960's are brought to life in a vibrant gold palette that shows more of a younger Harriet interacting with her family unit. While it's nice to have more of the specter of Harriet, there is no denying the visual beauty of the 1960's summer sequences.

WINNER: U.South.

Cecilia Vanger:

In the book, Cecilia is more predominant to Mikael and oft keeps him company during his long extended stay and somewhen becomes a sexual partner to him. A omission in both versions of the flick, she appears and has brief screen time but is not the presence in either movie that she was in the volume. To me information technology seemed similar she had more than screen time in the Swedish version in the American merely I consider this a depict.

WINNER: Describe

Lisbeth and Martin Vanger:

One of the all-time parts of the story is Lisbeth rescuing Mikael from Martin's torture room and hitting him in the head with a golf club. She chases after him on motorbike, he crashes and dies in the explosion. In both versions he is saved by Lisbeth, chased down and dies in an explosion but in the Swedish one, she watches Martin ask for help and burn alive screaming every bit she watches and smiles, satisfied past his expiry. Mikael after tells her how morally incorrect that was. In the American version, Lisbeth asks him for permission to impale Martin and brings his handgun to his wrecked car to put an cease to him earlier the car explodes in her face. Both are satisfying but in the Swedish version, Lisbeth shows her cold-blooded night side past purposely letting him die, while the American version she doesn't get the chance to make the moral choice to kill or save him. The swedish version is definitely a darker and meliorate turn for the grapheme of Lisbeth




Is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Swedish Vs American,


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